Vegetable, Fruit, and Herb Gardens: Grow Food at Home

What it is:

Functional gardens that provide homegrown produce. Great way to send your kids outside for a couple hours. Fun for the whole family. Healthy. All around wholesome goodness.

Why it matters:

  • Encourages self-sufficiency

  • Supports healthy eating

  • Provides Grade A produce in season and year round canned/frozen goods

How we do it:

We can help with design, build, getting you kickstarted, sourcing, maintenance, whatever you want us to help with, really.

The owner grew up a couple generations removed from the farm, but has been gardening since before he could walk. Often not as much as he would like as an adult with responsibilities, but he’ll gladly help with yours!

Boxes, vertical designs, permaculture, we’ve even given hugelkulture a try. We’re well versed in gardens.

Derivatives, styles, and similar concepts. We point these out to help relate to terms that can be unclear, ambiguous, and overlapping in our field.

Edible Landscaping, Kitchen Garden, Edimental Gardens, Permaculture Garden, Homesteading

Questions? Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you. For educational content please check out our blog and resources page.