Invasive Species Removal and Restoration Contractors
What it is:
Integrated Pest Mangement techniques to manage non-native, aggressive, harmful plant and insect species. Unfortunately, due to the realities of global economies, active mangement to control invasives is required on most properties today. We think it’s worth it to be good stewards of the land.
Why it matters:
Benefits native ecosystems and wildlife
Good land stewardship prevents spread of harmful plants
Improves biodiversity
How we do it:
As passionate conservationists, we strive for thriving wildlife habitat, which is best served by our native ecological resources. Invasive takeovers are the opposite of that, and we would like to see a lot more action on the frontlines against the most aggressive harmful invasives.
Trust the Pros. We actually have a sister company, Invasive Pros, dedicated to this fight on a conservation scale. Bee Kind can tackle your residential invasives. Many folks in State College have invasives on their property and don’t even know it.
Common harmful residential invasives in State College: Bradford Pear, Callery Pear, Norway Maple, Japanese Barberry, Bamboo, Wisteria, Wineberry, White Mulberry, Mile-a-minute, Japanese Stiltgrass, Japanese Knotweed, Asian Honeysuckles, Asian Privets, Autmun Olive, Tree of Heaven, Periwinkle, English Ivy, Burning Bush, Oriental Bittersweet, Chinese Lantern Tree, Buckthorn, Garlic Mustard, Siberian Elm, and more. Not to mention the harmful bugs, Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, Spotted Lanternfly, Lymantria Moth, and more. Long list, right? That’s for real. We’ve personally seen all these, this isn’t some SEO gimmick. It’s daunting, but we can help with all that, and we believe it’s time to get started.