Stormwater: French Drains, Swales, and More Protect Your Property

What it is:

Not always the fun stuff to invest in, but important. Landscaping solutions that reduce runoff and improve drainage. We like to approach it from a sustainable angle and incorporate wetland features and riparian buffers when possible.

Why it matters:

  • Prevents flooding and erosion

  • Improves water quality

  • Enhances property sustainability

How we do it:

We use rain gardens, swales, permeable pavers, and native plant buffers to absorb and filter water naturally. We can also do more traditional french drains, gutter redirection, rain barrels, and more.

Derivatives, styles, and similar concepts. We point these out to help relate to terms that can be unclear, ambiguous, and overlapping in our field.

Rain Garden, Bioretention Basins, Bioswale, Vegetated Swale, Green Swale, Permeable Landscaping, Eco-Friendly Hardscape, Living Roofs, Retention Ponds, Stormwater Basin, Rain Harvesting, Rain Barrels, Artificial Wetland, Wetland Restoration, Constructed Wetlands

Questions? Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you. For educational content please check out our blog and resources page.