Weed Control and Sustainable Pest Management Solutions

Also Known As: Integrated Pest Management, Weed Control, Eco-Friendly Pest Solutions

What it is:
A targeted approach to managing weeds and landscape pests without excessive reliance on harsh chemicals.

Why it matters:

  • Prevents weeds from stealing nutrients from desirable plants

  • Protects your lawn and garden from damaging insects and pests

  • Supports a healthier, more balanced landscape ecosystem

How we do it:
We employ a combination of organic, mechanical, and targeted herbicide treatments to eliminate weeds and pests while preserving beneficial plants and pollinators.

FAQ: What are some of the biggest pest problems facing Centre County right now?

Invasive Weeds & Plants

  1. Japanese Knotweed – Aggressive and spreads rapidly along waterways, choking out native plants. We as a community have to stay on top of this one to protect Spring Creek, Bald Eagle Creek, and our other beautiful watersheds.

  2. Bradford/Callery Pear – This tree is still common in residential and commercial landscaping, but is taking over wide natural areas in Centre County. It has to go.

  3. Japanese Barberry – Another common yard resident, still, somehow. It’s ugly, thorny, hosts ticks like nothing other, and loves to take over forest understories.

  4. Tree of Heaven – A newer invader to our area. Host plant of the Spotted Lanterfly, ugly, and contributes absolutely nothing ecologically.

  5. Honorable mentions: Honeysuckle, Privet, and Autumn Olive (we consider these the naturalized trio). Garlic mustard, phragmites, lantern tree, multiflora rose, hogweed….there are a lot. Check out our Invasive Control Service Page

Common Lawn & Garden Weeds

  1. Crabgrass – A persistent warm-season annual grass that outcompetes desired turfgrass and requires solid techique and timing to control.

  2. Dandelions & Broadleaf Weeds – Common nuisances in lawns and gardens such as dandelion, violets, ground ivy, chickweed, and more.

  3. Nutsedge, Stiltgrass, and Bermudagrass – Difficult to control grass-like weeds that can thrive in lawns.

Pest & Wildlife Issues

  1. Spotted Lanternfly – A major agricultural pest that feeds on trees, vines, and crops. Expected to continue to invade Centre County in Summer 2025.

  2. Two-Lined Chestnut Borer - native pest but causes a lot of the White Oak deaths in Centre County. Rapidly kills susceptible trees.

  3. Spongy formerly known as Gypsy Moth (Lymantria) - Kills oak trees in broad swaths. Cyclical. 2022-2024 were bad. We are hoping 2025 is not.

  4. Deer Overpopulation – Overgrazing on native plants and increasing tick populations. Major barrier to native plant restoration efforts in Centre County.

  5. Ticks (Black-legged Deer Ticks) – Carriers of Lyme disease, posing a major health risk. A rare ecological wonder that contributes absolutely nothing to the world as far as we know.

  6. Mosquitoes – Thrives in stagnant water, annoying, disease vectors

Why These Matter

  • Invasive plants reduce biodiversity and harm native ecosystems.

  • Certain pests threaten agriculture, forestry, and landscaping industries.

  • Tick populations increase Lyme disease risks.

  • Overgrown or neglected areas make infestations worse.

Questions? Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you. For educational content please check out our blog and resources page.